Sage Landscape Contractors employs a team of tree and plant care experts including arborists, technicians, and landscapers to evaluate and maintain the delicate eco-systems and micro-climates that are an integral part of today’s modern landscapes.
There are many environmental factors, both natural and man-made, that can affect your landscape’s ability to evolve and thrive.
Our plant management and tree expert specialists are acutely aware of these issues and can propose an appropriate plant care plan geared towards maintaining balance within your property’s outdoor living space.
Sage’s extensive offering of plant care and plant management services includes property evaluation, insect and disease control, tree and shrub trimming and pruning, deer and tick repellent, soil testing, spray and feed and plant diagnostics.
“… Discover the exceptional possibilities of your property.”
Need more information or have a question about our Expert Tree Services? Feel free to give us a call at
908-668-5858, or fill out our Information Request form.
